Результаты поиска

  1. S

    Problem with transfer bomb when i go die

    public CBasePlayer_Killed(iViti, iKiller) { if(!is_user_connected(iViti) && !(get_entvar(iViti, var_weapons) & (1 << CSW_C4)) && get_playersnum()<2) return HC_CONTINUE TransferBomb(iViti); return HC_CONTINUE; } public TransferBomb(id) { new bestPlayer=0...
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    Freezetime not working

    no exist in cvarlist mp_freezetime hmmm i check reapi in 150 version and mp_freezetime work, problem is with reapi 157
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    Freezetime not working

    HI in my server mp_freezetime not work, everyone can walking in freezetime game.cfg
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    Plugin what add more clip in weapon

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    Plugin what add more clip in weapon

    Why not? i want use only reapi and amxmodx at plugins
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    Plugin what add more clip in weapon

    :/ these plugins need hamsandwich module, its possible do it only reapi?
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    Plugin what add more clip in weapon

    Work but 1 problem when i start reloading it reload more ammo than should have i set 12 clip like in plugin UP
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    Plugin what add more clip in weapon

    Hi eveyone, i want change clip ammo in m3 and xm1014 but not working my plugin :/
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    ReHLDS/ReAPI How make takedamage with reapi

    it should work on ent? because my server is a mod like diablo, call of duty and i want use this on Ent rg_multidmg_clear(); rg_multidmg_add(attacker, victim, 33.0, 1<<24); rg_multidmg_appy(ent_rocket, attacker); // or still inflictor have too be attacker?
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    ReHLDS/ReAPI How make takedamage with reapi

    HI,i need some code like ExecuteHamB( Ham_TakeDamage, ... ); only reapi without hamsandwich
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    [Reapi] id owner weapon found on the ground

    hi, how i can get id owner weapon found on the ground?
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    ReGameDLL ReGameDLL_CS - reverse engineered mod CS

    new regamedll have problem with amxx modules - sockets - just crash when u using socket
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    set_speak(id,SPEAK_LISTENALL) in reapi

    Hi i looking function in <engine> set_speak(id,SPEAK_LISTENALL), but in reapi
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    Поиск [reapi] bonus for planter bomb and defuser

    just i need 3 function xD bomb planter - u give me and work bomb defuser - u give me and work bomb exploder :)
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    Поиск [reapi] bonus for planter bomb and defuser

    work, and i need yet bomb_exploder
  16. S

    Поиск [reapi] bonus for planter bomb and defuser

    HI i looking plugin what give bonus for planter/ defuser bomb bonus: $ 100-300 random
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    ReGameDLL ReCSDM

    What give mode mp_freeforall ?
  18. S

    Help [ReAPI] Reunion: isn't available

    plugin with this problem L 10/02/2017 - 17:29:48: [ReAPI] Reunion: isn't available L 10/02/2017 - 17:29:48: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "test.amxx") L 10/02/2017 - 17:29:48: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "REU_GetAuthtype") meta list [ 1] AMX Mod X RUN -...
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    Help rehlds 990 vs 1266+ Which is better and stable?

    Hi now my server use rehlds 990 and sometimes when switch map is crash "Segmentation fault" This may be caused rehlds 990?, 1266 better stable? rehlds Protocol version 48 Exe version (cstrike) ReHLDS version: Build date: 16:27:40 Dec 27 2016 (990) Build from...
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    Help How off sound maps?

    if u have least rehlds i hear music
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